Saturday's Los Angeles Times carried an article on the long term outcomes for ADHD which featured an interview with me and my new book, Remembering Ritalin. Click the following link to read the article:,0,970187.story
While I've got your attention please check out the following dates and locations where I will be speaking this fall:
September 14th: UCSF Pediatric Neurology Grands Rounds (UCSF Medical Center, SF) 4 PM
September 23rd: Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute Grand Rounds (UCSF Medical Center, SF) Noon
October 7th: Anne Martin Center, Piedmont CA 12:30 PM
October 20th: PESI Full day presentation, Elliott City, Maryland. 8am
October 21st: PESI Full day presentation, Fairfax, Virginia, 8 am
All these presentation are open to the general public but may require reservations or permission to attend.